金城 武、インタビュー (2006/02/13最終更新)

  • トピックの裏解説、重要単語の覚え方についてはメールマガジンか、ブログまでどうぞ。
  •  関連トピック

    2006/02/13 (Mon.)

    well-honed dramatic skill


    action hero in the ravishing move


    a classic, refined handsomeness


    versatile appeal


    actor of considerable versatility


    2006/02/13 (Mon.)

    pop star

    ・ポップスター / 人気歌手



    Time magazine


    described as a chameleon

    ・カメレオンのような人と表現される / 節操のない人と表現される

    the Johnny Depp no less of the Asian film industry


    2006/02/13 (Mon.)



    young man uncertain of himself


    be caught between two different cultures


    not quite at ease with their world


    come naturally


    2006/02/13 (Mon.)

    film career


    starting point


    show business


    by coincidence


    Wong Karwai


    2006/02/13 (Mon.)

    movie historian


    Hollywood has become a bit stale


    box office returns



    ・落ち込む / 減少する

    not the powerhouse that it was


    2006/02/13 (Mon.)



    Academy Award


    Zhang Yimou




    climactic scene


    2006/02/13 (Mon.)

    Asian culture




    all sorts of genres


    lure filmgoers into cinemas


    hit TV shows
