グリーンスパン連銀議長、退任へ (2006/02/01最終更新)

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    2006/02/01 (Wed.)

    Alan Greenspan


    Federal Reserve chairman

    ・連銀議長 / 米連邦準備制度理事会議長

    Fed chief


    head of the Federal Reserve


    head of the Fed


    2006/02/01 (Wed.)

    guardian of the US economy


    Black Monday


    stock market crash of 1987


    baptism of fire

    ・厳しい試練 / 手痛い洗礼

    dotcom bubble


    2006/02/01 (Wed.)

    FOMC(Federal Open Market Committee)


    swan song

    ・総仕上げの作品 / 辞世の句

    last hurrah


    14th increase in a row


    rise by a quarter of a percentage point to 4.5%


    2006/02/01 (Wed.)

    leave a legacy

    ・遺産を残す / 財産を残す

    control inflation




    former Fed colleague


    Ben Bernanke


    2006/02/01 (Wed.)

    asset bubble


    trade deficit


    fiscal year


    master craftsman


    Andrea Mitchell
